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Jueves 30 Enero 2025

Nuestro socio Javier Díaz Noci, de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, participa junto a Laura Pérez-Altable con un capítulo sobre la financiación de los medios, modelos de ingresos de los lectores y modos de consumir las noticias en el libro News in the hybrid media system, cuyos editores son los profesores Simón Peña Fernández y Kodo Meso Ayerdi, y que ha sido publicado el servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad del País Vasco.

Breve resumen de la obra: The appearance of the first online media in the late 20th century multiplied the power of news, making them even more immediate, accessible and integrated, disseminating them with a multitude of devices thanks to which it has achieved greater presence and proximity in our lives. On its way to our doors and our living rooms, and from there to our pockets, news have continued to morph and mutate, in its constant endeavour to capture our attention, to reach us and engage us in fragment of the reality around us.

In this monograph, we try to explain the changes experienced by news in the last decade. A transformation that began with the consequences of an economic crisis which has endangered the business model of the traditional media, who see how a good part of their readers and their available resources have shifted towards the new actors in the digital information ecosystem. A decade which has given birth to a hybrid media system, where many compete and collaborate with one another, creating an intricate mosaic of texts, voices and images.

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